Dr.Sachin B. Wagh
0253 - 2319098

Breast Augmentation

What is Breast Augmentation ?

Many a times , during normal pubertal development of a girl, the development of breasts lags behind and the female is left behind with small , underdeveloped breast. This is a major deterrent to her self esteem and confidence.

This can easily be tackled by the means of breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation involves placement of breast implants , which are made of highly advanced fifth generation silicone implants. These implants are very inert, and hence safe. They give the desired volume as well as shape to breasts, thereby boosting the self esteem of the patient.

Another way of breast augmentation is by means of autologus ( body’s own) fat transfer to the breasts.it is also a safe and gives natural feel to the breasts.


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